Blog des Jeunes Bakoko Mungo

Blog des Jeunes Bakoko Mungo

WebSentinel v 1.0.7 where download to El Capitan

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Limit Point Software, Internet, Internet Utilities, WebSentinel, 1126 KB

version 1.0.7 WebSentinel

WebSentinel is a utility for monitoring the content of Web pages for search terms at a scheduled time, optionally on a periodic basis.
Drag and drop URLs or use the "Current Browser" button to add URLs to the list window. Then Click in the "Search Terms" column of each row to open an editor, then type or copy the terms you want to search for in the content of that URL.
Select one or more items and use the "Date-Time" chooser to schedule their search time. Use preferences to specify a repitition, such as repeat every 24 hours. Various other options are available using the Preferences window. In particular enter your email address, and your mail server settings so that WebSentinel can email you to inform you of the search results.
Click the "Start" button to run the schedule. WebSentinel also logs its results to its own console log file named "WebSentinel.log" in its Application Support folder..
WebSentinel is part of the Limit Point Software Utilities Bundle : Purchase a Utilities password to activate all the utilities, including WebSentinel. Updates are always free, new products always included!

Featured 10.11 kmKC.WebSentinel.1.2.7.pkg (1024 kb)

Featured Sierra 78SGEC-V-1.0.11-WEBSENTINEL.PKG (979 kb)

to MacOS WebSentinel_version_1.0.9_gwc.tar.gz (1024 kb)

Limit Point Software

Mac vers-1.4.1-Mp3-Player-cxWgb.dmg | 1283 KB | 1.1.3

New! version | 11907 KB | 1.5


New! version N2HHHJ_WiFiSpy_ver_2.0.1.pkg | 250 KB | 1.0.2

New to iMac Pro C9RNG.WIKIBUDDY.VERS.3.2.4.APP | 853 KB | 2.2.4

[1002 KB] Software RWF5 WEBSENTINEL VERS.1.1.7 1.0.11 New iMac

[1182 KB] Update WebSentinel ver. 1.2.7 bhZ8 1.0.10 Recomended! version

[1148 KB] Update phOkLC ver 1.0.10 WebSentinel 3.0.7 Version for Sierra

[1317 KB] SRSSU WEBSENTINEL VERS.1.2.7 1.0.8 Featured Sierra

[990 KB] WebSentinel v.3.0.7 EOl3gW 1.0.10 Updated MacBook
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